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Bins Galore & More Storage Products - EndoDolly
EndoDolly<span class="tm">™</span>


Manufactured from stainless steel, the EndoDolly is designed for hanging scopes and stands on a five-wheel locking base for ease of transportation. The EndoDolly is equipped with 3 self-adjusting extension poles that can be individually raised or lowered by simply touching a pressure button. The user can extend the 2 outside poles to a maximum height of 212 centimeters or lowered to a minimum height of 133 centimeters, with the center pole able to be adjusted to a maximum height of 272 centimeters or lowered to a minimum height of 149 centimeters. Located at the top of each pole is a lock tight hook holder that can accommodate two scopes per pole of any length and supports flexible scopes up to 15 lbs. per pole. Each self-adjusting pole comes with polycarbonate cups that allow for the scope tip to be placed in during transportation, storage, or quality assurance testing.